Saturday, February 26, 2011

Waterfall Showpiece Which Direction To Keep

[review] inhibitors Moor Stefan Kiesbye

book information
ISBN: 978-3-608502084
Publisher: Klett Cotta with Tropical
language: German / February 2011
Price: 17, 95
Pages: 207

Summary (Source: Amazon)
A small village in northern Germany Teufelsmoor, years after the war. A pub where the old talk of revenants and wanderers. A manor house, whose owner, people in the village manipulate and despise. An old factory, after which no one dares to ask. Christian here grow up and his friends in an enchanted atmosphere of superstition, incest and brutality. Jet black and frightening Stefan Kiesbye directly describes the lives of these young people and the village. He makes us familiar with the abyss that can lurk behind every window and at the end of dirt road.

My opinion:
. The entrance to hell is in inhibitor Moor "(page 37)

occasion to meet the funeral of a former girlfriend, Linde, Alex, Christian and Martin in their place of birth, the contemplative village-style inhibitor Moor, which lies in the northern German Teufelsmoor again. Already in the prologue, one senses, that it is only from the outside looks peaceful and idyllic, but in reality much more representative of the above quote. In flashbacks, from different perspectives, the reader learns that precisely nothing is as it seems at first glance. One is confronted with the abyss of the people, incest, rape, child murder are just a few of the topics in Kiesbye "Hemmer Moor" picks.

The book comes from both without this wonderful detailed descriptions and without a high voltage curve, which makes it all the more oppressive. The writing style is unadorned, straightforward, simple but nonetheless striking and the fact that violence and death is not described in lurid be, my head was the first movie had switched right.

Overall, the book can be read quickly, thanks to the writing style, do not process quickly, however. The reader is encouraged to think about, especially since the topics that the author takes up and uses it to happen again and again and is confronted with it in the news. Nevertheless, a little more tension and back story I would have liked to sample the read, I must say I was expecting more, although I can not fix exactly why. A plus, the book from me but for the cover, on the one hand fits very well to the book, on the other hand, one directly in the right mood for it brings.

Conclusion: A haunting theme, nightmarish horror novel, the current appalling human cruelty. From me there 7 of 10 points .


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