[Review] Shadow Swing Tanja Heitmann
book information:
ISBN: 978-3-570160671
Publisher: cbt
language: German / February 2010
Price: 16.95
Pages: 443
Summary (Source: Amazon) :
Heavenly love, earthly desires
Mila has long been of Samuel, the best friend of her older brother Rufus, fascinated. Banished them first only his unusual appearance, it comes just before her sixteenth birthday, added a different kind of enchantment: Mila falls in love with Sam. And he seems to reciprocate her feelings. But just when the two get closer, something terrible happens. Sam disappears and Rufus, who had been together that night with his friend, can only dimly remember. Sam is thrown off the cliff? believe
While everyone else by the death of the boy, Mila thinks that Sam is still alive. And indeed, on her birthday, he is back to her - but he is no longer the man he once was. Sam is a shadow rocker has become an angelic beings - and only the love of Mila he has returned to the world of men ...
My opinion:
Some books I did not want to take in hand. And in some books, I'm glad I got it done yet. Shadow Swing "by Tanja Heitmann is just a book. I Has your demons series after the first two volumes fell only moderately, the prelude to this new trilogy, I believe, however, almost perfect and I only have a few criticisms.
The story is well told and moves the reader from Beginning in the spell, because the prologue, the same as in the further course of a few brief passages in italics, is very mysterious, something that is at least in this band is not well resolved real and you wonder who made the speech and what it means to be raised there, "shadow" is all about. But even apart from that the story is interesting and exciting, only in the middle section when the sphere and their story is told often it becomes a bit before the story once again takes up momentum. The question of who or what is the designated evil, can at any rate room for speculation and still has a lot of potential that can implement the author hopefully in the next parts. Language in any case be to read the book very enjoyable and the descriptions provide an accurate understanding of the environment and the characters appearing.
The characters I found most to be very sympathetic, even if the apparent black-white painting between good and evil striking, though not is disturbing. like with Mila Tanja Heitmann and finally, created in comparison to her other books-a female character I do not constantly annoyed slap on the wall, even if we have perhaps a bit naive and too much "Oh, you're not dead ? You have become immortal? All right, we'll continue where we left off "-is somehow I liked them anyway. The male characters however, have convinced me completely, especially Ranuken and Rufus who have kept with me for one or the other hilarity, I have very close to my heart and I look forward to a hopefully-take-find-bye in the other volumes.
The title "shadow wings" fits perfectly with the book and even though we may think of angels, it's not quite true, because the described shadow wings are different. Also, we learn that not all of their strength, power and history underlines this and shows the reader back to his own thoughts and speculations. Total
me the prelude to the "shadow wings' - and really liked trilogy and I am glad that I have given the author a chance, even-or perhaps because - it is a youth book deals, which is about the first love, which is struggling with "supernatural" powers. Too bad that between the sequels but are very long.
Conclusion: A beautiful, exciting young adult novel, which, while not always treated new topic, but brings it over to a romantic, successful manner and to recommend for each Fantasy-/Jugendbuch-/Romantik-Liebhaber certainly is. From me there for 9 of 10 points .
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