Monday, September 14, 2009

Older Cat On A Heating Pad

autumn 2 autumn


the Rilke poem I like very much, although it is totally melancholy at the end. So sadly I'm not really. And if the line "Who has no house now will establish none, more reads, as you can already get scared. Fall, it will be cold, financial crisis, fear of the future, huh. But in reality it's vice versa. The financial crisis has been caused precisely by those who have their house built. Actually, we have to rewrite the Rilke: "Anyone who has built a house, now no more."

But I have set the poem purely because the first line. "Lord of the summer was great." Yesssss, he was! Astray large. And now I'm home for three weeks. The first week I really did not do much. Slept slept slept. And in between completing my blog, with Sylvie, Thérèse and Christian mailed, chatted a bit, visiting friends and of course, tells of my pilgrimage.

Yes, and it was good that even after my FSJ started. This has pulled me out of the pilgrims memories, because there's just so exciting at the theater. Now I'm in for two weeks, the most interesting people I met in my life and am very busy with new things. I do public relations work, log in samples and even write a text for a program. It is not easy to write something clever, what is understood by the people as well. Above all, I had to learn not to belong to anything on my pilgrimage experience. Pilgrimage was a great thing, but now something different to it. After two weeks of theater my pilgrimage is already soooo far away.

But on weekends, since I'm back in Strasbourg. Christian's birthday and comes of age. Sweet 18! I am immensely pleased to see him again, even if it is now only for two days.

Bussi Julia



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